Early Childhood Core Elements

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Children as Constructivist Learners
- The school’s curriculum emerges from child development combined with the children’s interest.
- Children construct their own learning as opposed to teachers dictating facts.
- Children engage in Project Based Learning, which enables them to integrate knowledge and skills in meaningful ways, incorporating math, literacy, science, social studies and physical education.
- A project is an in-depth investigation of a worthwhile topic. The teachers’ focus is to guide the children to ask questions and, therefore, the children become more interested in what they are learning.
- The cognitive, social, emotional, language, literacy and physical skills are developed through the learning experiences that the children participate in each day.
Families as Engaged Partners
• Family engagement is essential to building a quality school community. We actively incorporate parents’ perspectives into how we think about teaching and learning.
• Families have opportunities to joyfully celebrate Jewish life with their children.
• Communication about each child’s development is on-going, relevant and supportive.
• Families are involved in adult learning to support their own and each other’s parenting and Jewish journeys.
Learned Environments
• Children and families are represented in the classroom environment, creating a sense of belonging.
• Space is flexible and materials open-ended, stimulating exploration and inquiry.
• Children have freedom to interact with the environment and manipulate materials.
• Aspects of the natural world are present in the classroom, engaging the senses.
• Attention is given to indoor and outdoor classrooms and common spaces to create community, build connections and allow opportunities for Jewish living
Directors as Visionaries
• Inspired by Jewish values, directors work with the parents, teachers and lay leaders to create an environment that cultivates a diverse and vibrant community.
• Create professional learning opportunities for the faculty. Arrange consistent and adequate time for the teachers to learn, grow and reflect with their colleagues, families, students and community.
• Ensure that the goals of the early childhood center are aligned with the mission and goals of the JCC. Integrate the JCC staff and lay leaders with the early childhood center.
• Cultivate professional and lay leadership to promote a sustainable early childhood learning center. Meet the Director >>
Teachers as Professionals
• Early Childhood Educators are considered by the JCC and view themselves as Professionals.
• Engage in deep meaningful learning experiences, collaboration and mentoring with all members of the community.
• Fluent in the standards of excellence set by the state and accrediting agencies and have a passion to go beyond these definitions.
Catch (Coordinated Approach to Child Health)
• Based on a foundation of Jewish values, Discover CATCH Early Childhood nurtures a love of physical activity in children and encourages them to develop life-long healthy eating habits.
• The physical education component incorporates activities that develop flexibility, strength, muscular and cardiovascular endurance.
• Featured activities and games develop fundamental motor skills and rhythm.
• A “no elimination” philosophy assures all children are moving at all times while having fun.
Israeli Engagement
• Teachers have an authentic relationship with Israel allowing the children to create a strong bond with the “Israel of the imagination.”
• Different aspects of Israel are experienced on a daily basis to seamlessly create powerful images and representations in the minds and hearts of our children.
• Israeli music, dance, customs, foods and language come alive at the school.
For more information, to register or to schedule a tour, call us at 561-712-5252 or email earlychildhoodpbg@JCConline.com.